Friday, July 22, 2011

Tasty Beef And Vegetable Soup

Serves: 8
Preparation time: 15 to 30 minutes


  • 600 g chuck steak or casserole beef, diced into 2 cm cubes
  • 3 carrots, diced into 2 cm cubes
  • 1 medium swede, diced into 2 cm cubes
  • 3 sticks celery, diced into 2 cm cubes
  • 1 large onion, diced finely
  • 4 cloves garlic, diced finely
  • 2 rashers bacon, diced finely
  • ½ cup dried soup bean mix, soaked for at least 1 hour prior to cooking
  • 2 potatoes, diced into 2 cm cubes
  • 6-8 cups chicken stock
  • 1 teaspoon onion salt
  • 1 tablespoon dried mix herbs
  • ½ cup diced continental parsley
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Place onion, bacon and garlic 1. aside in a bowl.
  2. Place swede, potatoes, carrots, and celery aside in a bowl together.
  3. Heat a large pot with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Brown beef for 2 minutes on high, add bacon, onion and garlic and sauté.
  4. Add remaining vegetables, and washed and rinsed soup mix.
  5. Add chicken stock, onion salt and herbs.
  6. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 2 hours or until meat is tender.
  7. Season with salt and pepper, and add parsley.

Recipe notes
Additional ingredients which my kids love are 1 ball of vermicilli or egg noodles added 20 minutes prior to serving, or even ½ cup of rice, which is nice to thicken it up. This recipe is lovely served with a sliced pane de casa stick from the bakery and butter, or crunchy bread rolls.


Recipe #8124 Submitted by: amyhaley
pb notes:
Used canned beans instead of dried beans (don't know what they are) and didn't use onion salt (couldn't find it) and it still worked out fine.

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